Saturday, October 8, 2011

World's Biggest Cup of Coffee

Ever notice that almost every diner claims to have either the world's best or biggest cup of coffee?  Well, when you spend time working in emergency services and private investigations just about everyone you encounter has either the world's biggest or best cup of coffee (a euphemism of course).

I've spent almost all of my adult life, sans school, in either Emergency Medical Services or law enforcement.  After retirement from the police department I started my own private investigations business and realized that even in the private sector virtually everyone still has the "biggest cup."

I really had no interest in blogging.  My brother writes one, which is widely read and my nephew, Aron, has started one which I hope will be widely read so I figured why not.  Now, I don't think I have the worlds biggest cup of coffee and I'm not sure why anyone I know, let alone anyone I don't know, would read this but I've got a million stories that always prompt people to say "you can't make this stuff up" so I'm gonna give this a shot.  Hopefully I'll make someone laugh or shake their head in wonder and amazement.

In this blog I'll tell tales (some funny, some not so funny), lessons learned and probably rant a little.  Hopefully no one will be offended but since it seems I sometimes can't get out of my own way I'll apologize in advance.

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