Thursday, November 17, 2011

Where's the fire?

They recently opened a New York Sports Club about a quarter-mile from my house.  For those of you unfamiliar, New York Sports Club is a chain of gyms owned and operated by Town Sports International (they also own Washington Sports Club, Boston Sports Club, Philadelphia Sports Club and well-you get the idea).  The other day as I was out-and-about I noticed a flurry of fire department activity at the sports club.  There were about a half dozen pieces of fire apparatus, a few chiefs cars, the town police and the like.

On March 25, 1990 The Happy Land Social Club (at 1959 Southern Boulevard in the West Farms section of The Bronx, New York)  caught fire.  It was an arson fire that killed 87 people who were trapped in the unlicensed social club.   Most of the victims were young ethnic Hondurans celebrating Carnival. Unemployed Cuban refugee Julio Gonzalez, whose former girlfriend was employed at the club, was arrested shortly after and ultimately convicted of arson and 87 counts of murder. That said, it is safe to say that we all know the potential dangers of overcrowded spaces.

This morning I was at the dry cleaner and we were talking about the gym, which is in the same shopping center, when a woman walks in.  The woman, a regular - I've seen her around, tells us she was there the day of the activity AND she's the one that called the fire department.

Here's the biggest cup part........... She called the fire department because when she went to "Spin Class" the class was full and there was no space for her.  She then noticed a sign that read "Occupancy by more than 30 persons is unlawful - Town of Haverstraw Fire Inspector"  This woman then counted and found there were 36 people in the class, if there were only 35 and she was the 36th would have been fine with her but since there was no space for her, and she picked up one of the phones on a desk and called 911.

I can't decide if she potentially saved the lives of everyone in the gym or if she's a lunatic.

Speaking of lunatics........  Those of you from the NY area and those of you who read my Facebook page may remember that within the last two weeks a man dangled himself off the Tappan Zee Bridge and unfurlled a banner in an attempt to voice his displeasure over a currupt county government (The back story is that he was fired from his job in the Rockland County Department of Mental Health because he was unstable - ironic I thought).  Well, it turns out he's my neighbor.  I'm just saying.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Caution Hitchhikers May Be Escaping Inmates.....

The highway sign reads "CAUTION HITCHHIKERS MAY BE ESCAPING INMATES" and it's a typical cautionary sign.  As I sat down to write this blog it dawned on me that a measure of caution is ALWAYS a good thing.  Most of my stories or lessons learned deal with people and because of that I need to tread lightly.  I know a number of people who have accidentally sent e-mails to the wrong recipients or posted things on My Space (do people still use that?), Twitter, Facebook and blogs that they shouldn't have.  I don't want to end up in a situation where something I write comes back to haunt me.

Often, when I'm doing a background check - whether it's pre-employment, pre-tenancy, criminal or some civil matter - I go to the social media sites to find out about the person I'm investigating.  I don't want to be that guy that makes others say"what was he thinking?"

World's Biggest Cup of Coffee

Ever notice that almost every diner claims to have either the world's best or biggest cup of coffee?  Well, when you spend time working in emergency services and private investigations just about everyone you encounter has either the world's biggest or best cup of coffee (a euphemism of course).

I've spent almost all of my adult life, sans school, in either Emergency Medical Services or law enforcement.  After retirement from the police department I started my own private investigations business and realized that even in the private sector virtually everyone still has the "biggest cup."

I really had no interest in blogging.  My brother writes one, which is widely read and my nephew, Aron, has started one which I hope will be widely read so I figured why not.  Now, I don't think I have the worlds biggest cup of coffee and I'm not sure why anyone I know, let alone anyone I don't know, would read this but I've got a million stories that always prompt people to say "you can't make this stuff up" so I'm gonna give this a shot.  Hopefully I'll make someone laugh or shake their head in wonder and amazement.

In this blog I'll tell tales (some funny, some not so funny), lessons learned and probably rant a little.  Hopefully no one will be offended but since it seems I sometimes can't get out of my own way I'll apologize in advance.